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 It’s that time again for us to participate in the annual JROTC Leadership & Academic Bowl! JLAB is a program that challenges JROTC cadets to learn the values of leadership and citizenship while also preparing them for higher education such as college. It includes two teams: the Academic Team and the Leadership Team. The Academic Team focuses on current events and core subjects including math, science, and English. The Leadership Team focuses on current events and the JROTC curriculum. It includes questions from all lessons and chapters within the JROTC textbooks. Each team (made up of 4 primaries and 2 alternates) will take a test given to all Army JROTC battalions nationwide and, depending on their placement, will move on to Level II.


      Once cadets are signed up and have taken at least one practice test, they will be granted access to the Total College Success software which teaches cadets about the college application process, offering study material for college planning, college pre-tests, and the core curriculum. Anyone is welcome to sign up, take the practice test, and take full advantage of the Total College Success software.


The deadline for sign-up is Friday, September 30th, 2022. Seniors cannot participate in JLAB and freshmen cannot participate on the leadership team.


If you have any questions or want to sign-up, contact:




Information for this Year's Competition:
  • Academic Bowl - up to two teams per unit may compete 
  • Army Leadership Bowl - one team per unit may compete
  • Guidelines will be released soon
  • ALL cadets participate in the Practice Test.
  • Taking the Practice Test is a great way to access online college prep material and prepare for college entrance exams.
SCHS JROTC will assemble teams prior to taking Level I

Leadership Team:

Academic Team:

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